A series of public lectures on new developments in art history and visual culture will be held at the University of Rochester in June and July. The lectures supplement the five-week Summer Institute in Art History and Visual Studies, which has been organized by the University of Rochester and funded by the Getty Grant Program. Thirty scholars from around the world will discuss new theoretical and interpretive strategies in the humanities.

All lectures will be held at 8:15 p.m. in the Gowen Room of Wilson Commons on the University's River Campus. They are free and open to the public. The lecture topics and speakers are:

June 28

"Nostalgia for the Real" by Keith Moxey, Department of Art History, Barnard College and Columbia University.

July 1 .

"Marks (What's Left of Hegel)" by Stephen Melville, Department of Art, Ohio State University.

July 5

"Realism After Poststructuralism: The Hard View" by David Freedberg, Department of Art History and Archaeology, Columbia University.

July 7

"Of Origins Known and Unknown" by Michael Ann Holly, Visual and Cultural Studies, University of Rochester.

July 8

"Declarations of Absence: The Non-Compositional Drive in 20th-Century Art" by Yve-Alain Bois, Fine Arts Department, Harvard University.

July 12

"Post-War German Art and Frankfurt School Aesthetics" by Benjamin Buchloh, Department of Art History, Barnard College and Columbia University.

July 13

"Foucault and Photography" by Norman Bryson, Fine Arts Department, Harvard University.

July 14

"The Language of Things" by Kaja Silverman, Department of Rhetoric, University of California at Berkeley.

July 19

"The Feminine in Modern Art: Benjamin, Simmel and the Gender of Modernity" by Janet Wolff, Visual and Cultural Studies, University of Rochester.

July 21

"Face Value: Andy Warhol's Blow Job" by Douglas Crimp, Visual and Cultural Studies, University of Rochester.

July 26

"Double Exposures" by Mieke Bal, Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis, University of Amsterdam.

Michael Ann Holly, chair of the University's Department of Art and Art History, and Keith Moxey of Barnard College and Columbia University are co-directors of the institute. For more information, call (585) 275-9249 or check the Web at http://www.roch ester.edu/getty.