A statue of war-weary soldiers at the fraternity's front door makes an unequivocal statement about patriotism and those who die for their country. Jeremy Glick, Class of 1993, regularly walked by the Brothers-in-Arms Memorial at the Alpha Delta Phi house. Now he is remembered with them.

On the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, Glick boarded United Flight 93 in Newark for a business trip to California. When hijackers took control of the plane, he and a few others phoned family and friends about a plan to overtake the terrorists. Not long after, the plane crashed in rural Pennsylvania, killing them all.

In memory of Glick, a scholarship has been created at the University of Rochester to support his commitment to the value of a fraternity experience and its rewards. "He's a shining example of an Alpha Delt," says Rob Lamonica, current Alpha Delta chapter president at Rochester, where Glick led the fraternity in 1992-93. The endowed scholarship will give financial assistance to students in fraternities and sororities.

A photograph of Glick and a plaque about his actions on Sept. 11 hang at the entrance to the house on Fraternity Quadrangle. To the right is the Brothers-in-Arms Memorial, which is dedicated to those who died in service to their country. Since World War I, a memorial has been placed in every chapter house. It depicts a Canadian and an American helping each other walk through a battlefield.

In the next room, a framed, handwritten copy of the Pledge of Allegiance by its author Francis Bellamy-an Alpha Delta member, Class of 1876-completes a poignant trilogy about honor and patriotism. "Our fraternity is strong because of good people who take pride in everything they're a part of," says Lamonica.

Alpha Delta Phi alumnus Peter Heinrich, Class of 1960, points out that the Glick scholarship will support more than their fraternity. "The reason the scholarship is for the whole Greek community is that Jeremy was very active in promoting the concept of intra-fraternity activities while he was chapter president," says Heinrich.

Glick was one of six University of Rochester graduates who died during the September terrorist attacks. The others were Jean Hoadley Peterson '69N, also a passenger on Flight 93; Zhe (Zack) Zheng '95, '98S (MBA), who was assisting people on site before the World Trade Center collapsed; Jeffrey Smith '87, '88S (MBA), an analyst for an investment banking firm at the World Trade Center; Brendan Dolan '86, a broker who worked at the World Trade Center; and Aram Iskenderian '82, a section manager for a bond-trading company at the World Trade Center.

Contributions for the fund can be sent to: Jeremy Glick Memorial Scholarship Fund, University of Rochester, Gift Office, 30 Wallis Hall, Rochester, N.Y. 14627.