With the enthusiastic support of an 18-person search committee, the Board of Trustees has approved University of Rochester President Thomas H. Jackson's recommendation that C. McCollister (Mac) Evarts be given a permanent appointment as senior vice president and vice provost for health affairs and Medical Center CEO.

"Dr. Evarts not only has been superb in the role of senior vice president since his interim appointment effective July 1, but his continuation has been endorsed in the strongest possible terms by the senior leadership of the Medical Center and by important constituencies to the Medical Center and the University," Jackson said. "I have enjoyed working with Dr. Evarts on a multitude of Medical Center and University initiatives, and believe that he is the right person, at the right time. He brings humanity, vision, and accountability to one of the most important, and difficult, jobs in any academic institution, and I am confident that he, together with the senior leadership team at the Medical Center, will continue the enormous progress of the Medical Center in all of its dimensions."

"I am honored by this show of support, and I look forward to the continuing development of the Medical Center in terms of its clinical care, education, and research initiatives," Evarts said. "Our stature among academic medical centers is certainly on the rise, and will continue in that direction in the coming years."

A 1957 graduate of the School of Medicine and Dentistry and former chair of the Medical Center's Department of Orthopaedics, Evarts is retired CEO of the Milton S. Hershey Medical Center at Pennsylvania State University. Evarts had returned to the Medical Center earlier this year after retiring from Penn State, where he also had served as senior vice president for health affairs and dean of the College of Medicine. He is a member of the prestigious Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences.