The Hartnett Gallery, located in Wilson Commons on the University of Rochester's River Campus, is presenting "Dos Voces: Mujeres Latinas," a work that explores the duality of being a Latin woman growing up in the United States.

Presented by Yolanda Daliz and Anita Welych, the exhibit portrays the inner conflict of both artists. Learning one thing from their parents and another from North American pop culture, the artists try to describe their experiences and backgrounds through their artwork. While different on the outside, the works of both women represent the richness and difficulties of their experiences as Latin women in a predominantly Anglo society.

Yolanda Daliz is a Puerto Rican artist originally from Brooklyn, N.Y., now living and teaching in Rochester.

Anita Welych is a Syracuse-born artist of Colombian heritage now teaching at Cazenovia College.

The exhibit is free and open to the public. The show will run from Monday, Feb. 14, through Sunday, March 12.