Andy Hargreaves, an author and researcher who has studied the culture of schools and the efforts to reform education, will speak about the quality of teaching and how it affects teachers at 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 24, on the River Campus of the University of Rochester.

Hargreaves, director of the International Centre for Educational Change at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto, is known internationally for his analysis of school reform. The author and editor of more than 20 books related to teaching and schools, Hargreaves examines the work of teachers by looking at the structure of schooling and the emotions of teaching.

In one of his books, What's Worth Fighting for in Your School?, Hargreaves and co-author Michael Fullan encourage parents, teachers and administrators to think more deeply about relationships in school and how to improve them.

Hargreaves' talk, sponsored by the University's Margaret Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development, will be held in room 1-101 of Dewey Hall. It is free and open to the public. Reservations are required by calling 275-7428.

This is the second talk in the Warner School's 1999-2000 Scandling Lecture Series on the theme of new directions for the future of teaching and teacher education.