The University of Rochester has won two awards from the Environmental Protection Agency for its efforts to reduce energy consumption and pollution.

A long-time participant in the EPA's Green Lights program, the University was one of two institutions named 1997 Green Lights Partner of the Year in the University category. It shares the distinction with the University of Cincinnati for overall excellence in the program.

"Through superior upgrades, education and promotional efforts, the University of Rochester has proven to be a dedicated partner in the promotion of energy-efficient lighting," said Maria Tikoff, director of the Green Lights program.

The University also won the Outstanding Green Lights Project Award, which points up the success of its ongoing lighting retrofit project.

The only participant to win two awards, Rochester is the first winner from Upstate New York. Previous University Partner of the Year awards have gone to Columbia, MIT, and the University of Missouri at Columbia. Some 2,300 institutions participate in Green Lights.

"The University is pleased to be recognized as a leader in reducing pollution and energy consumption," said Richard Miller, senior vice president and chief operating officer. "Upgrading to more efficient lighting systems makes good business sense, and we're pleased to be a part of the Green Lights program."

The University, which joined Green Lights in 1992, is in the final stages of a massive lighting retrofit/energy conservation project. Older lamps and ballasts have been retrofitted with new T- 8 energy-efficient lamps, electronic ballasts, compact fluorescent lamps and occupancy sensors.

Some 9 million kilowatt hours and over $660,000 are saved every year as a result of the project. Not only the bottom line benefits: Lighting quality has improved as well. New units provide more uniform lighting and better color rendition.

NORESCO, an energy services company based in Boston, is performing the upgrade under the direction of University Facilities.

Editors: Upgrades continue, and photo opportunities are available. Call Sally Parker at the number above for more information.