A panel of University community members will discuss “Where Are We Now? UR and Affirmative Action after Michigan” at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 5, in Hubbell Auditorium in Hutchison Hall on River Campus. The discussion is open to the entire University community and will include time for audience questions.

The panel will examine the historical and legal contexts for the United States Supreme Court’s decision earlier this year on admissions policies at the University of Michigan. In its first ruling on affirmative action in higher education admissions in 25 years, the Court ruled that race can be used in admissions decisions but struck down an affirmative action policy based on a point system.

Panelists include sophomore Richard Tipton; Tyll Van Geel, Earl B. Taylor Professor and chair of the Educational Leadership Department at the Margaret Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development; and Jonathan Burdick, Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid. They will discuss the significance of the decisions for the higher education community in general and the ways in which the decisions may affect the University.

The discussion is sponsored by the College Diversity Roundtable. For more information, contact Linda Colburn lico@mail.rochester.edu or at x5-0651.