The University of Rochester's Wind Symphony will present a concert at 8 p.m. Friday, Feb. 27, in Strong Auditorium on the University of Rochester's River Campus.

Cindi Johnston-Turner, musical director of orchestral activities, will conduct the orchestra in a program featuring works by Sibelius, Bukvich, Camphouse, Holsinger, and others. One of the pieces to be performed, Mark Camphouse's "Watchmen, Tell Us of the Night," is a hymn for all children and portrays the loneliness, loss of innocence and yet enduring hope of the survivor of child abuse. Also, Mark Scatterday, conductor of Eastman Wind Ensemble and Eastman Wind Orchestra at the Eastman School of Music, will guest conduct Ronald Lo Presti's "Elegy for a Young American," which is a tribute to John F. Kennedy. Scatterday will also conduct Shostakovich's "Prelude No. 14."

The University of Rochester Wind Symphony is comprised of students who are serious and accomplished musicians, but whose major course of study may vary from music to medicine, business, engineering, or linguistics. In addition to regular on-campus performances, the University Wind Symphony undertakes an annual performing tour each year.

The concert is free and open to the public. For more information, contact the music department at (585) 275-2828.