WHAT: Interfaith Service Project: assembling hygiene kits for distribution around the world

WHEN: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday, Feb. 20

WHERE: Hirst Lounge in Wilson Commons on the University of Rochester’s River Campus

University of Rochester students will put religious teachings about charitable service into practice with a project to provide some basic necessities to needy places around the world.

On Friday, Feb. 20, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., volunteers will be assembling 500 kits that will be distributed through LDS Humanitarian Services. They’ll gather in the Hirst Lounge in Wilson Commons, the student union building, to pack two combs, four toothbrushes, one tube of toothpaste, two bars of soap, and two hand towels—things most people take for granted—into a kit for residents in an underdeveloped country.

The project is sponsored by the Religious Roundtable, a group of students representing different religious traditions at the University. The group sponsors discussions, services, and other events on religious topics and religious diversity.

The Feb. 20 event will open with a short service at 11 a.m. in which roundtable members will speak on their faith’s teachings about service. The service program is designed to be a learning experience for students and will include poster board displays about charitable service.

Media coverage is welcome. Karen Taylor, a student Interfaith Fellow at the University of Rochester’s Interfaith Chapel, will be on site to talk to media about the project and can also be contacted in advance at kt011j@mail.rochester.edu or at (585) 275-4321.