The Margaret Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development will sponsor its annual institute on Catholic education July 8 and 9 with this year’s sessions geared to the central issues that contribute to vibrant Catholic schools.

Now in its 15th year, the Institute of Catholic Education is designed for teachers, school administrators, youth ministers, church members, parents, and others with an interest in Catholic education. This year’s programming includes lectures, group discussions, and social conversation on the theme of “Catholic Education: A Community for Life.” More than 1,500 people have participated in the institute since its inception.

The first of two keynote speakers, Carole M. Eipers, director of catechetics for Catholic publisher William H. Sadlier, Inc., will discuss how schools can form strong communities as well as strengthen the individuals involved. Eipers, who will speak on Thursday, July 8, has served in parish ministries for more than 20 years, and has been president of the National Conference of Catechetical Leadership. She holds a doctoral degree in ministry from Notre Dame University.

Brother Loughlan Sofield, S.T., who has held many leadership positions in the fields of collaborative ministry and counseling, is a member of the Missionary Servant of the Most Holy Trinity. He will open the institute’s Friday, July 9, program with an address on how to make Catholic schools true life-giving communities in all aspects. Drawing on his experiences in human development work, Sofield will explore practical issues that can keep educational communities on track.

Rochester-area educators will lead panels and small group sessions on a range of topics from strengthening academic achievement to dealing with differences among student learners.

All sessions will be held at the Holiday Inn Airport on Brooks Avenue in Rochester. Registration is $198 ($220 after June 22) for materials, refreshments, and luncheons. An optional tour and dinner in Rochester’s High Falls district is planned for July 8. Group rates and housing also are available. To register or for more information, contact the Warner School at (585) 275-7833.