Ten universities in New York, including the University of Rochester, have been awarded newly designated Centers for Advanced Technology (CAT), part of an overall initiative to encourage greater technological and economic collaboration between New York State’s industries and research universities. Gov. George E. Pataki made the announcement yesterday.

Dr. Russell W. Bessette, executive director of the New York State Office of Science, Technology, and Academic Research, called the University of Rochester’s CAT for Electronic Imaging Systems “an extremely important component of the state’s high technology economic development efforts. With the research in photonics and imaging science systems being done at this center, coupled with technological research in a wide range of areas, Rochester will be a key partner in helping create a vibrant high technology-based economy for New York State.”

The CAT program, which consists of 15 research centers, has helped create or retain more than 5,300 jobs and generated more than $1.7 billion in private sector revenues, cost-savings, and capital expenditures in a five-year period, state officials said.

“CEIS and its researchers from the University of Rochester, Rochester Institute of Technology, and Cornell are honored to have been chosen for this award,” said Carl Schauffele, associate director of CEIS. “We look forward to a continuation of the industry-oriented research program that has made a $50 million economic impact on our region in each of the past three years.”

It is expected that each CAT will receive up to $1 million annually in state funding. Each center also will be designated for up to 10 years to serve as a vehicle for transferring applied research in its technological focus from the university to industry.

Besides the University of Rochester, these academic institutions have been awarded CATs: Binghamton University; City University of New York, City College; Columbia University; Cornell University; Polytechnic University; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Stony Brook University; Syracuse University; and University at Albany.

The CAT program complements NYSTAR’s other efforts to spur technology-based research and economic development in New York State; promote national and international research collaboration and innovation; and better leverage the state’s research expertise and funding with investments from the federal government, foundations, businesses, venture capitalists, and others.