The International Theatre Program will be holding auditions starting at 7 p.m. Friday, Sept. 3, and at 2 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 4, in the Todd Theatre lobby on River Campus for its fall productions.

The upcoming season’s works include A Mouthful of Birds by Caryl Churchill and David Lan, a contemporary reworking of the Dionysian myth; and Ionesco’s absurdist classic The Bald Soprano.

Auditions are open to University students, faculty, and staff, who can prepare a monologue from any play of their own choice. Those trying out without an audition piece or a monologue may still be eligible to be cast.

Prospective actors are encouraged to read the plays before auditions. Copies are available on reserve at Rush Rhees Library and from the theatre program office in 107 Todd Union.

For more information, contact the International Theatre Program at x5-4959.