More than 1,200 freshmen and other volunteers from the University of Rochester will work for nonprofit groups and agencies in the Rochester area for the 16th year of Wilson Days on Monday and Tuesday, Aug. 30 and 31. Their assignments with more than 50 organizations will complete Freshman Orientation with acts of service to others.

Groups requested student workers for painting and cleaning as well as staffing fun activities like carnivals and outings for the young and the elderly. Six schools in the Rochester City School District will use about 250 volunteers to work outdoors on landscaping and on other projects.

Wilson Days bring together faculty, staff, local alumni, and students to perform community service in the city and suburbs. Senior Meghan Schubmehl from Churchville is coordinator of Wilson Days, the largest community service project for students in the College.

Almost every undergraduate organization makes a community service commitment as part of its activities during the academic year. With a fuller understanding of service through Wilson Days, more students learn the value of volunteering. Some of them return to their Wilson Days agencies to help with other projects.

Wilson Days are named for the Joseph C. Wilson family, whose members have been benefactors of the University of Rochester and the Rochester community. Wilson, former president and chairman of Xerox Corp., was an alumnus and a philanthropist.