Mike Super, a magician who intersperses his routines with Seinfeld-type jokes and audience participation, will be performing at 9 p.m. Friday, Sept. 24, in Strong Auditorium on the University of Rochester’s River Campus.

Bitten by the magic bug after visiting a shop at Walt Disney World, Super has been performing magic since the age of six. He travels and present almost 200 shows a year. His programs include music, comedy, and magic tricks such as levitating a member of the audience or making a piece of paper dance in the person’s hand.

Tickets to Super’s show are $3 and are available in advance at the Common Market in Wilson Commons on the River Campus and at the door.

Super’s campus appearance is sponsored by Wilson Commons Student Activities and Delta Upsilon. For more information, contact the Wilson Commons Information Desk, (585) 275-5911.

Note to Editors: Pictures of Mike Super are available online at http://www.mikesuper.com/index2.htm.