Julieve Jubin's photographs of necessary objects around the house will be displayed through Thursday, Sept. 30, in the Gallery at the Art and Music Library, located on the ground floor of Rush Rhees Library on the University of Rochester's River Campus.

The 14 photographs on exhibit reveal close-ups of simple and ordinary items. Jubin characterizes "Drawings from Life" as "an exploration of materiality using common objects such as bags, rope, fabric, and clothing. The objects are chosen based on their potential to communicate a certain gesture, palette, and surface," she writes in her artist's statement. Jubin uses the camera "to draw the objects in a mostly flat abstracted space to suggest a life of their own."

Jubin received her master of fine arts degree from the Visual Studies Workshop in Rochester. She is a photo-based artist, working with photographic prints and photo-based installation. She has exhibited her work in the United States and in Canada. Jubin has taught at the Cooper Union School of Art, the International Center of Photography, and Purdue University. Jubin now is assistant professor of art at the State University of New York at Oswego.

The exhibit is free and open to the public. For more information, contact the library at (585) 275-4476.