The Interfaith Chapel communities and the Religious Round Table are reaching out to all members of the University of Rochester community to participate in the annual Gifts-for-the-Giving holiday project. Donations of gifts and monetary support will provide holiday presents and food to some of the families of children at Rochester’s School 17, St. Boniface Catholic School, Sojourner House, and others in need.

Individuals and groups around campus can sign up from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 17 through 19, in Wilson Commons near the Student Activities office on the University’s River Campus. During Thanksgiving break, volunteers will fill bags with unwrapped gifts and return them to Wilson Commons from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. between Dec. 1 and 3, or take them to the Interfaith Chapel any time before Dec. 3. The Interfaith Chapel communities include Hillel, Muslim Student Association, Newman Catholic Community, Protestant Community, and UR Christian Fellowship.

This year’s goal is to prepare more than 500 gift bags. For more information about the program and a list of gift suggestions, contact Gloria Colls at x5-8422 or Eileen Bruton at x5-4321.