A blood drive for the American Red Cross will be held from noon to 5 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 9, and Thursday, Feb. 10, in the Friel Lounge of Susan B. Anthony Hall on the River Campus. This is a change in location from the previous two drives.

The drive is organized by the D’Lions, a student service organization that sponsors programs in residence halls and on campus, and by the office of the Dean of Students in the College.

Students, faculty, and staff are invited to participate in the drive. Appointments are preferred and can be made by contacting Jason Smith in the Dean of Students Office at x5-4085 or by visiting www.rochester.edu/student-srvcs/DOS/giveblood.html.

Last year’s donations stood at 500 units. The goal for this year is to increase participation and surpass that level. Participation will be counted toward the “Two Thousand Pints of Life” campaign at Strong Memorial and Highland Hospitals.

Donated blood plays a critical role in surgery and emergency care. A unit of blood donated by a student, faculty, or staff member could save as many as three lives. Demand for blood products has risen as programs such as liver transplant and severe trauma programs have grown, leading to drops in the blood supply several times each year. One additional drive is planned for this academic year.