The Language You Cry In, a 1998 film by Alvaro Toepke and Angel Serrano, will be shown at 5 p.m. Wednesday, March 2, in room 314 of Morey Hall on the University of Rochester’s River Campus. The showing is free and open to the public.

The film, which is in English and Mende with English subtitles, is part of the Africa Video and Film Series sponsored by the Frederick Douglass Institute for African and African-American Studies at the University of Rochester. The theme of this semester’s series is the Diaspora in Exile.

The Language You Cry In is described as a scholarly detective story reaching across hundreds of years and thousands of miles from 18th-century Sierra Leone to the Gullah people of present-day Georgia. It explores how African Americans have kept links to their African past.

For more information, contact the Frederick Douglass Institute at (585) 275-7235.