Sophomores at the University of Rochester now have another way to explore the social and culture life of the City, "Sophomore Saturdays." The program, which begins this month, was developed by the Class of 2007 Council as a way to offer students different programming options while connecting them to the greater Rochester community.

"There are many great things in the city that members of our class haven't yet discovered," says Mike Bozzella, president of the Council. "We hope this is a way to help them get off campus and explore what Rochester has to offer."

The series begins on Feb. 19 with a day of arts and culture. One group of students will visit Artisan Works, a studio and gallery that displays original work from local artists. Another group will take the RTS Red Line bus to the George Eastman House for a guided tour of the property and current exhibit, "Law and Order: Crime Scenes." A staff member from the Wilson Commons Information Center will accompany the group as they travel through the city, calling attention to the various restaurants and shops along the route. Later that evening SALSA, the Spanish and Latino Students' Association, is cosponsoring a dinner with the class council at Tapas Lounge, complete with after-dinner dancing. A second dinner trip is also planned for the King and I, voted "Best Thai Restaurant" in the 2004 City Newspaper poll.

March 19 will be dedicated to service in the Sector 4 community on the city's west side. Students will volunteer their time helping elderly residents with winter clean-up efforts, snow removal, and general neighborhood maintenance. Students will also receive a tour of the 19th Ward, followed by a reception with community leaders at a neighborhood office. The day will conclude with a trip to the Rochester Museum and Science Center for the U2 Laser Light show.

The last "Sophomore Saturday" of the semester, on April 9, will feature an evening of dinner and theatre. Students will enjoy an upscale meal on campus before heading to see Chicago at the Auditorium Theatre.

"Without the support of the Students' Association, Wilson Commons Information Center, Rochester Genesee Regional Transit Authority, and the businesses and institutions that offer our students discounts and incentives, programs like these would impossible to sponsor regularly," Bozzella adds.

"What this council is doing through the Sophomore Saturdays program— connecting Rochester students to each other and the Rochester community—wonderfully compliments the UR HERE initiative launched this year," says Dean of Students Jody Asbury. "We look forward to future programs like this from other student organizations and encourage the community to contact the Wilson Commons Information Center about upcoming programs and events in their neighborhoods."

For more information, contact the Wilson Commons Information Center at (585) 275-5911.