Pieces d'Identites, a 1998 film by Mweze Ngangura, will be shown at 5 p.m. Wednesday, March 23, in room 314 of Morey Hall on the University of Rochester's River Campus. The showing is free and open to the public.

The French film with English subtitles tells the story of an old king, his beautiful daughter, a dragon stand-in, and a Prince Charming who rescues them. Within this timeless and simple fable, the king finds his identity challenged outside his village, raising social questions about the issues facing people of African descent in the 20th century.

Pieces d'Identites (Pieces of Identity) is part of the continuing Africa Video and Film Series sponsored by the Frederick Douglass Institute for African and African-American Studies at the University of Rochester on this semester's theme of the Diaspora in Exile.

For more information on the series, contact Institute Fellow Dior Konate at (585) 273-5345 or check the Web for updates at www.rochester.edu/College/AAS/.