Kathryn Davis, an award-winning author, will give a reading at 8 p.m. Tuesday, March 29, in Lander Auditorium in Hutchison Hall on the University of Rochester’s River Campus. Her program, which is free and open to the public, is part of the Plutzik Reading Series at the University.

Davis is the author of several novels and the winner of the Janet Heidinger Kafka Prize in 1988 for her novel Labrador. The prize is given by the University of Rochester’s Susan B. Anthony Institute for Gender and Women’s Studies and the Department of English for best novel by an American woman. Davis also has received a Guggenheim Fellowship as well as the Morton Dauwen Zabel Award from the American Academy of Arts and Letters.

Besides Labrador, Davis is the author of the novels The Girl Who Trod on a Loaf, Hell, The Walking Tour, and most recently Versailles. She is professor of English at Skidmore College and resides in Vermont.

The Plutzik Series is one of the country’s oldest and most prestigious literary reading programs and readings are free and open to the public. Established to honor the work of Hyam Plutzik, a distinguished poet and Deane Professor of Poetry and Rhetoric at the University, it has featured more than 175 noted writers, including Pulitzer Prize winners Anthony Hecht, Elizabeth Bishop, and Galway Kinnell. The Plutzik Series is administered by the Department of English. For more information, please contact (585) 275-4092.