Nationally known educator Nel Noddings will speak on the topic of public education in a democracy at 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 29, in the Great Hall of Rush Rhees Library on the University of Rochester's River Campus. Her talk is part of the 2004-05 Scandling Lecture Series presented by the Margaret Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development at the University. It is free and open to the public.

Noddings, Jacks Professor Emerita of Child Education at Stanford University, will argue against the privatization of public education and point out ways in which public schools can improve choices and support of a democratic life in her talk titled "The Essential Role of Public Education in a Democracy." She is the author of many books and articles, and has been recognized numerous times as an outstanding teacher and leader in the field.

She is the former president of both the Philosophy of Education Society and the John Dewey Society, and holds the John W. Porter Chair in Urban Education at Eastern Michigan University.

The Scandling Lecture Series, named to honor the generosity of William F. Scandling, brings to campus noted researchers, policymakers, and professional educators from throughout the world who contribute their insights and exchange ideas with faculty, students, and alumni at the Warner School, as well as colleagues in the University and the local education community.

For more information, contact the Warner School at (585) 275-7428, or check the Web site at