Young people of Polish descent will celebrate Polish culture through music at the 12th annual Polish Youth Concert on Sunday, May 1, in lower Strong Auditorium on the University of Rochester’s River Campus. The concert, which is free and open to the public, is co-sponsored by the Skalny Center for Polish and Central European Studies and the Department of Music at the University of Rochester, and the Polish Heritage Society of Rochester.

A dozen music students from the Rochester area will perform classical and modern works by famed Polish and other composers. For the fourth year, the Polish Heritage Society of Rochester will fund two $500 awards and honorary mentions for the best performances. Matthew BaileyShea of the Department of Music will join the jury to select the winners. Students in third to 11th grades with at least two years of musical training will play.

A reception will follow the concert. The event is part of the Skalny Lecture and Artist Series, a continuing program of performances and special offerings for the Rochester community. For more information, contact the Skalny Center at (585) 275-9898.