The call is out for teams and volunteers to participate in this year's College Bowl competition on campus.

College Bowl is a long-time tradition at nearly 300 institutions of higher education across the country. Made popular by the radio and television series of the 50s, 60s, and 70s, the competition features teams of four student players racing to be the first to answer questions correctly. Topics vary from literature, science, history, geography, religion, and the arts to popular culture, sports, and current events.

Student organizations, residence floors, or even groups of friends can form teams to enter the games. Faculty, staff, and students are also needed to assist with the tournament as judges, moderators, scorekeepers, and timers.

The double-elimination tournament starts with preliminary rounds at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 5, in Wilson Commons on the River Campus. The games continue at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 6, until completion of the championship round that evening.

An All-Star Team will be formed from among the competitors and will advance to the regional championship tournament, scheduled Feb. 20, 2004, at SUNY College at Brockport. The regional champions proceed to the national tournament, which will be held April 23 to 25, 2004.

Last year, the Rochester College Bowl team won the regional championship and placed third in the nationals. The on-campus tournament is organized and run by Wilson Commons Students Activities.

Anyone interested in volunteering to work at the University's College Bowl tournament should contact Brenda Myrthil, assistant director of Student Activities, at
x5-9394 or by Wednesday, Oct. 29. The deadline for student teams to submit a completed registration form and the $10 entry fee to the Common Market in Wilson Commons is Monday, Nov. 4.