Ann D. Weintraub, an educator and former administrator with the Rochester City School District, will be honored with the "Valued Colleague Award" presented by the Susan B. Anthony Center for Women's Leadership at the University of Rochester.

She will receive the award during the annual Elizabeth Cady Stanton/Susan B. Anthony Conversations on Contemporary Issues Thursday, Oct. 26, at the Memorial Art Gallery.

Weintraub has been a colleague of the Anthony Center since 1995, when the center was formed, and headed the planning of the annual Stanton/Anthony Conversations for five years. She also coordinated "Community Conversations on an Agenda for Women in the 21st Century," a series of 14 meetings to get local input on the 1998 Declaration of Sentiments, a document prepared by a panel of national experts during Forum 98 to craft a framework for continuing the work for women's rights. The "Valued Colleague Award" is given each year to a woman or a man who has demonstrated outstanding commitment to the work of the Center.

"As chair, Ann's insight and good humor have shaped the Conversations, making them a centerpiece of Rochester's busy fall season," said Nora Bredes, director of the Anthony Center. "But she has been an indefatigable leader for the entire women's community in Rochester as well, using her education, experience, and energy to work on issues of equality for women."

Before she retired from Rochester city schools, Weintraub was supervising director of elementary education. She also has taught graduate courses in education at Nazareth College. Weintraub is vice president of the Women's Foundation of Genesee Valley and heads the Foundation's annual giving committee. She received her bachelor's and master's degrees from the University of Rochester.

The Stanton/Anthony Conversations are organized annually by the Anthony Center to provide a forum for discussion of issues affecting women. This year's discussion, titled "The First Lady as First Person: Can She Get A Life?", will begin at 6:30 p.m. For additional information and reservations, call (585) 275-8799.