In 1900, suffragist Susan B. Anthony raised the final monies needed for the co-education campaign to ensure women's admission to the University of Rochester, then rushed to present the funds to the trustees in time for women to enroll in classes that fall.

Her "deadline dash" and her tireless efforts for women's suffrage are celebrated during the Susan B. Anthony Legacy Race: A 5K Run/Walk for Women's Progress, which will be held Sunday, Sept. 25, this year. Open to men and women, the event benefits the educational programs of the race sponsors, the Susan B. Anthony Center for Women's Leadership at the University of Rochester and The Susan B. Anthony House.

"The Legacy Race commemorates the courage and determination of Susan B. Anthony and her lifelong struggle to gain rights and equal opportunities for women," said Patrice Sampson-Bouchard, interim executive director of The Susan B. Anthony House. "Just by crossing the finish line, the walkers and runners confirm Anthony's famous words that 'Failure is impossible,' that with perseverance anything is possible."

"Today, American women can attend almost any college and work in any profession," said Nora Bredes, director of the Anthony Center. "Besides the right to vote, they have the rights to their own property and earnings. But we have yet to realize Anthony's complete dream, of women and men leading together. Her work and vision inspires us to continue to work for women's progress."

The race will begin at 10 a.m. at The Susan B. Anthony House at 17 Madison St., proceeding east on West Main Street to Ford Street, onto Ford Street and east across the Ford Street Bridge onto Wilson Boulevard, finishing on the University's River Campus. Runners and walkers should park and register at the University and take a shuttle bus to the race start. The last bus to take participants to the Anthony House will leave at 9:45 a.m.

In addition, a "Fun Run" for children 12 and under will be held at 11 a.m. on the Eastman Quadrangle.

Participants are encouraged to register in advance and take advantage of reduced fees. The Early Bird Entry fee of $15 is good until Sept. 15; the fee will be $18 for registrations between Sept. 15 and Sept. 24. Registration on race day will cost $20. Registration for students and senior citizens is $12. Participants who collect pledges of $25 or more will receive a commemorative race T-shirt. Team registrations are also encouraged. Registration can be handled on-line at Registration on the day of the race will be from 8:45 to 9:45 a.m. behind Rush Rhees Library on Library Road on the River Campus.

The top prize of $250 will be awarded to the first woman and to the first man to cross the finish line. Awards will also go to the top women and men by age groups: 19 and under, 20 to 29, 30 to 39, 40 to 49, 50 to 59, and 60 to 69, and 70 and over. Reflecting Anthony's role as a teacher and mentor to young women, including her own relatives, special prizes are earmarked for the fastest mentor/student, coach/athlete, and aunt/niece. There will also be awards for the fastest team of four runners and the participant who collects the most pledges.

The race is organized by the Anthony Center, the Susan B. Anthony House, and the Greater Rochester Association of Women Attorneys. Sponsors include WHEC-TV 10 NBC, WARM 101.3, Fleet Feet Sports, Lenel Systems International, Moving Comfort, Mirror Show Management, Monroe Ambulance, Ecovation Inc., Costanza Enterprises, A.G. Edwards & Sons, Rochester Gas & Electric Corp., The Wilson/West Alliance, and The Wetzel Group.

Volunteers are needed to work behind-the-scenes for the race. To volunteer, or for more information, contact The Anthony Center at (585) 275-8799. Information and registration are also available online at