Janis Gleason, who is researching the life of one of Rochester's best-known citizens of the 19th and early-20th centuries, will speak on "Kate Gleason: Myths & Realities" at 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 2, at the University of Rochester.

Gleason's talk is the first in this year's series of Tea Talks, which occur on occasional Sundays and are sponsored by the University's River Campus Libraries. The events are free and open to the public.

Kate Gleason (1865-1933) began her engineering career in her father's Gleason Works machine-tool factory and held various positions there. Later, she was elected the first woman member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. She also served as president of the First National Bank of Rochester for two years during World War I, becoming one of the first women in that position. Throughout her life, she was involved in various commercial and community enterprises.

The talk by Janis Gleason will describe her efforts to discover the "real" Kate Gleason for a biography she is writing. Her research has included material about the engineer's life and achievements from the family of Janis's husband, James S. Gleason. Mr. Gleason will give an introduction.

As a director of the Gleason Foundation, Janis Gleason has been active for many years with the Friends of the University of Rochester Libraries. She has devoted her time to promoting the literary arts at the library and other organizations in the Rochester community. She and her husband are supporters of many University programs.

Her talk will be presented in the Welles-Brown Room of Rush Rhees Library on the University's River Campus. Tea and biscuits will be available in a casual setting. For more information, contact (585) 275-4461.