Fulbright Scholar Luiza Nader will speak about neo-avantgarde art in Poland at noon Monday, Oct. 10, in the Gamble Room of Rush Rhees Library on the University of Rochester's River Campus.

Nader, whose talk is titled "Neo-avantgarde Art in Poland: Theory and Practice," is a visiting Fulbright researcher this fall in the Department of Art and Art History's Graduate Program in Visual and Cultural Studies at the University of Rochester. She also is a doctoral candidate and teaching assistant at the Institute of Art History at Warsaw University in Poland.

The luncheon lecture, which is free and open to the University community, is sponsored by the Skalny Center for Polish and Central European Studies at the University of Rochester.

Her talk will focus on the artistic languages, attitudes, and strategies of Polish artists and critics as well as the consequences of neo-avantgarde practices. "Neo-avantgarde artists addressed questions considering the problems of individual responsibility, the relation between the public and the private, and the interdependence of ethics and aesthetics," says Nader. Her recent research also involves a comparative study of conceptual art in Poland and the United States.

For lunch reservations, contact the Skalny Center at x5-9898 by Oct. 6. Luncheon seminars are part of the center's continuing Skalny Lecture and Artist Series, which offers lectures, films, musical performances, and other presentations on Poland and Central Europe.