The Phi Beta Kappa Speakers Fund is being established by the Iota Chapter of New York at the University of Rochester in order to encourage intellectual discourse in the liberal arts, sciences, and engineering at the University. The fund will provide up to two awards annually, each in the amount of $500, to any academic department in The College, or to any University Committee for Interdisciplinary Studies-sponsored cluster, in order to co-sponsor a visiting lecturer.

The lecturer should be well-known and respected in his or her field, and must provide at least one lecture open to the general University community, at a suitably prominent and accessible venue. In keeping with the values of Phi Beta Kappa, the lecture should appeal to an intelligent lay audience, and should present current research or scholarly debates in a manner that is engaging to students and scholars from a variety of disciplines.

For further information, contact Glenn Cerosaletti, president of the Iota Chapter, at