Rebecca Fox, senior associate vice president and dean for College advancement, has been named to the newly created post of senior associate vice president for advancement and executive director of alumni and constituent relations within the new University Advancement organization.

"Rebecca has built a strong team in the College, where she improved alumni programs with increased focus on development results," said Senior Vice President and Chief Advancement Officer Jim Thompson, to whom she will report. "She will now take on the challenge of building a University-wide alumni and constituent relations program that will involve alumni—especially undergraduate alumni—more broadly and deeply. This will help lay the foundation for a campaign."

"We have seen wonderful College advancement efforts under Rebecca, and I am glad that she will be a member of Jim Thompson's team," said President Joel Seligman. "We will now build the programs that can produce a strong, institution-wide relationship between the University and its alumni."

Fox joined the University in 2002 as senior associate vice president for advancement. She assumed direct responsibility for the Office of College Advancement in 2003.

College Advancement staff will now report to Rob Gibson, senior associate vice president for academic development, who is launching a search for an executive director, reporting to him, to oversee the College office. The College deans will continue to work closely with Fox, Gibson, and other members of the senior leadership team in University Advancement so that the strengths and development priorities of the College are effectively communicated.