Information Technology Services (ITS) and the University of Rochester Libraries are jointly sponsoring a University site license to RefWorks, a Web-based tool for creating and managing citations and bibliographies.

All University of Rochester faculty and students have access to RefWorks, which assists users in the collection, storage, and organization of citations to journal articles, books, Web sites, and other sources. The citations can then be formatted into a bibliography in more than 250 citation styles.

"We are thrilled to collaborate with our colleagues in the library to bring this great tool to the students and faculty at the University of Rochester," said David Lewis, interim vice provost and chief information officer.

Ronald F. Dow, the Andrew H. and Janet Dayton Neilly Dean of River Campus Libraries, described the citation and bibliography management tool as "a great benefit to faculty and students in their teaching, learning, and research."

To access the site and get started, go to the University's RefWorks Web site ( and create an account. Many of the article databases available from the libraries have ways to export citations directly into RefWorks with just a few clicks. Also available is Write-n-Cite, a simple plug-in utility, which also allows faculty and students to easily pull citations out of RefWorks and place them into a Microsoft Word document.

For more information, contact Vicki Burns, chief of Rush Rhees Reference Department, at (585) 275-4478 or