Theodore M. Brown, professor and chair of the Department of History and professor of Community and Preventive Medicine at the University of Rochester, will examine relevant questions on the topic "Bioterrorism: Legitimate Fear or Deflective Anxiety?" Controversy about the dangers of bioterrorism continues to rage among defense analysts, health policy experts, and public health officials. To some, bioterrorism is an imminent threat for which we remain woefully unprepared. To others, it is an exaggerated anxiety that has been dangerously manipulated for opportunistic gain.

Brown, who is also contributing editor to the American Journal of Public Health, will focus his talk on increased concerns about "biosecurity" during the past two decades—both in the United States and abroad.

Tea Talks is a continuing series sponsored by River Campus Libraries. The talks are presented on selected Sundays in a casual atmosphere with tea and biscuits.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact (585) 275-4461.