Millery Polyné, a postdoctoral fellow at the Frederick Douglass Institute for African and African-American Studies at the University of Rochester, will discuss the role of Claude Barnett, founder of the Associated Negro Press, and African-American and Haitian commercial interests in the development of Haiti from 1934 to 1957. His lecture is titled "Opportunity is Everywhere: Claude Barnett, Haiti and the Business of Race during the Good Neighbor Policy."

Barnett and others promoted and established collaborative projects that benefited black entrepreneurs and Haitian development following protests of the United States' occupation of Haiti from 1915 to 1934. Polyné is currently at work on a book titled Black Pan-Americanism: African Americans and Haitians Shape Inter-American Affairs, 1862-1964. His lecture is part of the Work in Progress Seminar series sponsored by the Frederick Douglass Institute.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact the Frederick Douglass Institute at (585) 275-7235