Students, staff, faculty, guests, and organizations are invited to sign the "A Show of Hands" banner and leave a handprint from noon to 9 p.m. on Wednesday, April 4, in Wilson Commons on the University of Rochester River Campus.

The event will include a unity candlelight vigil, which will be held on the front steps of Wilson Commons at 8 p.m. The banner will later be displayed outside on the building's front balcony.

"A Show of Hands" is sponsored by the Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, and Friends Association, the Campus Activities Board, and Wilson Commons Student Activities. Cory Clines '01, executive co-director of GLBFA, organized this event with the aim of bringing members of the University together in a show of support for campus unity. This event is being held in conjunction with the celebration of Wilson Common's 25th birthday.

For more information on "A Show of Hands" contact Ann-Marie Algier at (585) 275-2332.