James Undercofler will be reappointed to a further five-year term as dean of the Eastman School of Music when his current term expires in 2007, University of Rochester President Joel Seligman announced today.

"After careful consideration of all of the evidence," Seligman said in a message to Eastman's faculty, students, and staff, "I am convinced that Jim Undercofler is the wisest possible choice to be dean of the Eastman School during the next term.

"During his tenure, Dean Undercofler has maintained the distinguished national and international reputation of the school, established a strong record of hiring and retention, maintained high standards of student quality, and originated widely admired new programs, such as the Institute for Music Leadership and the recent amplification of the Community Music School."

Undercofler is professor of music education and board chair and director of the Howard Hanson Institute for American Music. He's also a member of the board of the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra and a founding member of Mercury Opera of Rochester.

Seligman made the reappointment after a full decanal review, which included interviews with faculty, administrators, alumni, and several national figures in music higher education, among others.

"Every time I hear an Eastman musician play, I realize what a precious jewel Eastman is," Seligman said. "Our challenge in the years to come will be to work together to focus on augmenting Eastman's great strengths."

The president's statement on the reappointment can be found at www.rochester.edu/president/memos/2006/undercofler.html.