A reception will be held on May 1 at the University of Rochester to celebrate the contributions of Dean of the College William Scott Green, who will become senior vice provost and dean of undergraduate education at the University of Miami. The event for the University of Rochester community will take place at 3:30 p.m. in the Hawkins-Carlson Room of Rush Rhees Library on the River Campus.

Green's distinguished record of achievement in undergraduate education has permeated the life of the College of Arts, Sciences, and Engineering. As Dean of the College, he led the development and creation in the 1990s of both the Rochester Curriculum—a unique program reflecting the College's philosophy for a liberal arts education—and the Quest Program, a set of special courses for freshman and sophomore students. He also was chair of the Residential College Commission, which in the past few years examined all aspects of the undergraduate program within the College.

Green joined the University of Rochester in 1974, and was appointed professor of religion in 1985. He founded Rochester's Department of Religion and Classics, which combines the study of the world's great religions with the languages of their canons.

He was named the Philip S. Bernstein Professor of Judaic Studies in 1991. Green heads the Center for Judaic Studies, and is educational director of the archaeological excavations at Yodefat, Israel, co-sponsored by the University and Israel Antiquities Authority. He has written extensively on the history of Judaism and on higher education.

He is associate editor of the HarperCollins Dictionary of Religion and co-editor of The Encyclopedia of Religion (E. J. Brill, 2000).

Green earned his undergraduate degree at Dartmouth College and his doctoral degree at Brown University. He will join the University of Miami faculty on
July 1.

Note to reporters/editors: Please see additional quotes about Dean Green from University of Rochester leaders, and the news release from the University of Miami.