Anna Blum of Richmond, Va., has been named a 2006-2007 Fulbright Scholar to study at ZERM (the Center for Ethics and Law in Medicine) in Freiburg, Germany. She will conduct research on devices such as brain implants and prostheses and on the ethical issues surrounding their use in people with brain damage and neurological diseases. Upon returning to the United States, Blum plans to pursue graduate studies in law and bioethics.

Blum received her bachelor's degree in May from the University of Rochester with a double major in brain and cognitive sciences and in German and a minor in philosophy. She spent the 2005 spring semester studying in Vienna and also completed a summer program in Berlin in 2004.

At the University of Rochester, Blum was active in the student organizations Circle K, a service and leadership group, and Outside Speakers Committee as well as in soccer and rugby club sports. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joel Blum of Richmond, she is a graduate of the Collegiate School in Richmond.

Sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and designed to promote mutual understanding and peace between the United States and other nations through educational and cultural exchange, the Fulbright Program offers opportunities for career-launching study, teaching, and research abroad. Scholars design their own programs and arrange institutional affiliations in the host countries. The grants cover expenses such as travel and health insurance and also provide a monthly stipend.