The Susan B. Anthony Legacy Race, which commemorates Susan B. Anthony's fight to win women admission to the University of Rochester, will be held Sunday, Sept. 24. The "5K Run/Walk for Women's Progress" is open to men and women and is sponsored by the University's Susan B. Anthony Center for Women's Leadership and The Susan B. Anthony House.

The race starts at 10 a.m. at The Susan B. Anthony House at 17 Madison St. and ends near the Interfaith Chapel on the University's River Campus. Early Bird registration through Sept. 15 is $15; registration from Sept. 16 through Sept. 23 is $18; and Race Day registration is $20. Registration for students is $12.

Sign-in and registration on the day of the race will start at 8:45 a.m. on the University of Rochester's River Campus, at the rear entrance to Rush Rhees Library on Library Road. Buses will transport walkers and runners from the campus registration site to the Anthony House for the race start at 10 a.m.

The event also includes a free on-campus "Fun Run" for children 12 and under starting at 11 a.m. on the University's Eastman Quadrangle.

Volunteers are also needed for the race. Anyone interested in participating in the event as a runner, walker, or behind-the-scenes volunteer can contact the Anthony Center at (585) 275-8799 or Registration information also will be available online at

The first man and the first woman to cross the finish line will each be awarded $150. There will also be awards for the top men and women by age groups. Special prizes will be awarded to the first University of Rochester male and female undergraduates and the first University of Rochester male and female alumni and to the participant who contributes the highest dollar amount in pledges.

The Anthony Legacy Race was inspired by Susan B. Anthony's "deadline dash" to ensure women's admission to the University of Rochester. Anthony raised the final monies need for the co-education campaign fund and rushed to present the funds to the trustees on Sept. 8, 1900, in time for women to enroll in classes that fall.

The race is part of the yearlong initiative, "100 Years Since Susan B. . . . Consider the Anthony Legacy," sponsored by the Anthony Center for Women's Leadership, which includes events and programs celebrating women's achievements since the suffragist died in 1906.