The recent work of Brian Elder, assistant professor of art at Central Michigan University, centers on the idea of location and the act and process of locating oneself—internally and externally—within the context of all that is around us. In this series, he brings into synthesis his long-held interests in geography and late medieval Italian painting.

These collaged images use such views of the land as satellite photos, maps, abstracted shapes, and human anatomy. "Geography has always interested me, and the recognition of how that symbolic language works to arrive at the knowledge of 'you are here' is compelling to me," he says.

Elder received his bachelor of fine arts degree from the University of New Hampshire and his master of fine arts degree from Indiana University at Bloomington. He has exhibited around the country at the Wichita Art Center, the Fitchburg Art Museum, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, and the University of Bridgeport, among others. He also has taught art at several state and private colleges and universities in the Northeast.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact the gallery at (585) 275-4476.

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