The Viennese Ball, one of the University of Rochester's most popular social traditions, will be held at 9 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 11, in Wilson Commons, the student union building on the River Campus. Open to the public, the ball is sponsored by the University Chamber Orchestra and the University Chamber Singers, who perform while guests enjoy the spirit of an evening in "old Vienna."

Couples in evening attire will dance to Johann Strauss's waltzes, including the popular "The Blue Danube," and other favorite musical works on several floors inside Wilson Commons. Light refreshments will be served and door prizes will be awarded from community organizations including the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra, Little Theatre, Downstairs Cabaret, and Barnes & Noble. A balloon drop at the stroke of midnight delights guests and adds to the festive air.

This year's event will feature an exhibition of waltz by the Botsford Ballroom Dance Team. Seven couples from the local group, composed primarily of young people between the ages of 16 and 21 who compete nationally, will demonstrate the "regular" or "slow" waltz and the faster Viennese waltz, which also features different steps.

Admission to the Viennese Ball is $10 in advance, with tickets available at the Common Market in Wilson Commons, and $13 at the door. Proceeds benefit the University Chamber Orchestra and Chamber Singers. The orchestra, directed by Professor of Music David Harman, presents four free concerts a year on River Campus, performs in the Rochester community, and has toured in Jamaica, on Grand Cayman Island, and in Italy. The Chamber Singers, under the direction of Assistant Professor of Music L. Brett Scott, perform in Rochester and also have toured to New York City, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C.

For more information, contact the Department of Music, (585) 275-2828.