The inaugural event in a year-long series of events on "The Future of the Archive in the Digital Age" as part of The Humanities Project, the roundtable discussion will examine questions posed by the formation of digital technology and its changing effect on archives. With the use of digital technologies, the relationship of scholarly research to the newly-shaped archive alters, and the possibility of the archive as cultural producer rather than repository surfaces.

The participants in the discussion include Morris Eaves, professor of English at the University of Rochester and co-creator of the William Blake archive; Patrick Loughney, curator of the Motion Picture Department at the George Eastman House and director of the L. Jeffrey Selznick School of Film Preservation; Melissa Mead, digital/visual resources librarian for Rare Books and Special Collections at the University of Rochester; Barbara A. Seals Nevergold and Peggy Brooks-Bertram, co-directors of the Uncrowned Institute for Research and Education on Women, Inc. at the University of Buffalo; and John O'Brien, founder of the Center for Book Culture and director of Dalkey Archive Press.

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