The University of Rochester River Campus Jazz Ensemble is a 20-member group dedicated to the performance of both traditional big band jazz and cutting-edge contemporary works. Under the direction of Miles Brown, a student in the doctor of musical arts degree program in jazz studies at the Eastman School of Music, the group will present the works of George Gershwin, Wayne Shorter, Herbie Hancock, and Thad Jones.

The concert will feature special guest soloist Steve Brown, professor of jazz guitar at Ithaca College. Brown has worked with Marian McPartland, Jimmy Smith, Chuck Mangione, and Chuck Israel's National Jazz Ensemble, a repertory band from the mid 1970s. Brown will perform solos in his own arrangements and compositions. In addition, Bill Tiberio, director of the University of Rochester Wind Symphony, will be featured as a saxophone soloist.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact (585) 273-5157.