Rabbi Melissa Weintraub, author of a number of articles treating issues of human dignity, war ethics, and human rights, will give a talk titled "Does Torah Support Torture?: Human Dignity, 'Ticking Bombs,' and Torture in Jewish Law and American Military Detention."

Weintraub is the director of education for Rabbis for Human Rights – North America. She is also the co-founder and co-chair of the Jewish-Palestinian Encounter program.

Her talk is part of the "Law and the 'War on Terror'" series, one of the 10 projects funded by the Humanities Project, a year-long initiative at the University of Rochester emphasizing the influence and contributions of the humanities to academic and civil life.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact (585) 275-8614, or visit the website at www.rochester.edu/College/humanities, or email humanities@rochester.edu.