Suzanne O'Brien, associate dean of undergraduate studies and director of the College Center for Academic Support at the University of Rochester, has been named the recipient of the Susan B. Anthony Lifetime Achievement Award.

The award was established in 1997 by the Anthony Center for Women's Leadership at the University. It is presented annually to a University of Rochester alumna, trustee, faculty member, or administrator who has demonstrated strong leadership qualities, personal as well as professional success, and has served as a role model for other women.

O'Brien graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Rochester in 1959 with a degree in English. During her 45-year career at the University, she has contributed to undergraduate academic life through the various posts she has held and received the Goergen Award for Distinguished Contributions to Undergraduate Learning in 2003.

After working for almost 10 years at the Center for Brain Research, O'Brien has devoted more than three decades to academic and career counseling. She served as director of the academic advising office, assistant dean of the then College of Arts and Sciences, twice as coordinator of the career office, and dean of sophomores.

"Suzanne O'Brien's career is defined by service to the University community in many ways," said Dean of Students Jody Asbury. "Not only is she an excellent and respected administrator, she also has an innate ability to help students and women with whom she works. Suzanne has mentored and supported young women who have gone on to executive and leadership positions in institutions and businesses all over the country. Her advocacy for professional development, personal growth, and leadership potential for women is without peer at the University."

O'Brien is on many committees of the College of Arts, Sciences, and Engineering, including the curriculum committee, administrative committee, committee on interdepartmental individualized programs, Take Five Scholars review board, Kauffman Entrepreneurial Year program review board, and internship committee. She also served on the Black Studies Task Force that led to the formation of the Frederick Douglass Institute and is the current advisor for students who pursue dual degrees in the College and the University's Eastman School of Music.

In addition, O'Brien is a charter member of the National Academic Advising Association, an organization promoting quality academic advising in institutions of higher education, and is the historian of the Iota Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa.

O'Brien will be presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award on Thursday, Feb. 8, at the annual Susan B. Anthony Legacy Dinner sponsored by the Anthony Center.