Peter Wisbey, executive director of the Seward House in Auburn, will give a fresh interpretation of Seward, the abolitionist and secretary of state under President Abraham Lincoln. His talk is titled "Beyond the 'Folly': Reappraising William Henry Seward."

Seward is recalled in history books as the 1867 purchaser of the Alaska Territory from Russia, a move ridiculed as "Seward's Folly." In his talk, Wisbey will provide a broader look at Seward's accomplishments. The correspondence, diaries, account books, and manuscript records kept by Seward can be found in the Department of Rare Books and Special Collections at the University.

Seward's home, located about an hour's drive from Rochester, has been a registered National Historic Landmark since 1964 and a "Save America's Treasures" site since 2000. It was occupied by four generations of family members from 1816 to 1951.

Tea Talks is a continuing series sponsored by River Campus Libraries. The talks are presented on selected Sundays in a casual atmosphere with tea and biscuits.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact (585) 275-4461.