Laura Nash, a writer and lecturer on business ethics and leadership, researched the lives of successful people and found out how they achieved lasting success. Her Neilly Series talk will develop themes in the book she co-authored titled Just Enough: Tools for Creating Success in Your Work and Life (John Wiley & Sons, 2004).

In their examination of high achievers in business and other professions, Nash, formerly a senior lecturer at Harvard Business School, and Harvard colleague Howard H. Stevenson argued that the cause of today's success frustration stems from goals that are not aligned with deep aspirations. Nash will speak on "Just Enough: Foundation for Lasting Success."

She has a doctorate in philosophy from Harvard University and has written and taught courses in business ethics and leadership for 25 years. Her talk is part of the continuing Neilly Series supported by the Andrew H. and Janet Dayton Neilly Endowment and the River Campus Libraries. Free parking will be available in the Library Lot at the rear of the Rush Rhees Library.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact (585) 275-4461.

Note to editors: A digital image of Laura Nash is available by calling (585) 275-4128 or e-mailing