Bogna McGarrigle, a graduate student with the organ department of the University of Rochester's Eastman School of Music and the Kraków Academy of Music, will perform both Baroque and modern organ works.

Along with Hans Davidsson, professor of organ and project director of the Eastman-Rochester Organ Initiative, the event will feature a presentation on the Eastman School of Music's restoration project of the historic Casparini organ in Vilnius, Lithuania. Built in 1776, the Vilnius organ is one of the most valuable musical artifacts of its time in Europe today. In conjunction with several other groups, the Eastman School of Music has embarked on a global heritage project to both restore the organ, located at the Church of the Dominicans in Vilnius, and install a reproduction in Rochester's Christ Church (Episcopal).

The event is sponsored by the University's Skalny Center for Polish and Central European Studies and the Eastman School of Music.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact (585) 275-9898.