Toru Takao, a native of Japan, was strongly inspired by the carillon while doing voluntary work in Germany. Takao, who first received a degree in German literature from Kawansei-Gakuin University in Japan, later earned a music degree in carillon in 2006.

Since then, he's won second prize at the International Carillon Competition in Tiel, the Netherlands, and has been performing in concerts in Denmark, Germany, and Holland. Takao is currently working toward his master's degree in carillon under the instruction of Frans Haagen and is co-founder of Polak-Takao Publications, a firm that discovers new carillon music art.

Takao's program will include Mozart's "Fantasy in D minor," selections of Japanese Koto music, and "Rhapsody in Blue" by George Gershwin.

Concertgoers should bring blankets, lawn chairs, and picnic baskets or even do some knitting, while enjoying the music on the Eastman Quadrangle.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact (585) 275-2828.