An art exhibit by Sara Dankert and Bradley Butler display their current work of prints, mixed media drawings and paintings.

Dankert's art investigates issues concerning the body and bodily systems. "...The body is one of the most complex and fallible systems, yet also trusted and essential," says Dankert. Her drawings become meditation, analysis, and discovery.

Butler creates intuitive paintings that explore subconscious connections. He builds paintings that leave the viewer to interpret his or her own meaning. "It's important to create art that is universal because there needs to be a relationship developed between the canvas and the viewer; not just between artist and his work," explains Butler.

Dankert has a fine arts degree from the State University College at Brockport and a master's degree in art education from Nazareth College. Butler has an associate's degree in visual communication from Monroe Community College and a bachelor's degree in art education from Nazareth College. Both are certified art teachers.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact the gallery at (585) 275-4476.

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