Performing under the name Lvsitanvs, the young duet artists Ana and Sara Elias are renowned international performers and lecturers on the carillon circuit.

The sister carillonneurs from Portugal both studied music while studying mining engineering at the Higher Technical Institute in Lisbon and at separate times graduated with "Great Distinction" from the Jef Denyn Royal Carillon School in Belgium. Ana went on to receive her master's degree in carillon in 2004 from the Lemmensinstituut in Leuven, Belgium, and Sara later received her master's degree in carillon performance in 2006 from Missouri State University.

Their program will consist of a variety of music selections that appeal to all ages, including "Sonata in C Major" composed by Carlos Seixas, "La Cumparsita" by Gerardo H. Matos Rodriguez, "Summertime" by George Gershwin, and a Disney medley that includes "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious," "Under the Sea," and "The Bare Necessities."

Concertgoers should bring blankets, lawn chairs, picnic baskets, or even bring some knitting while listening to the music on the Eastman Quadrangle.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact (585) 275-2828.